Making the desert bloom


Thursday 29th March 2018


simple prayer

How often are we guilty of taking the familiar for granted and to an extent of missing that surprise element of beauty or reality which we know all too well?

Having lived for many years in the Middle East I probably became overfamiliar with the desert landscape at times and took it for granted. Yet returning to the Middle East this morning and flying in over the desert with the dawn rising reminded me afresh of its spectacular, stark beauty as well as being reminded of the need to consider its harsh realities and dangers.

The desert is breath-taking but it is a place of extremes which require care and consideration to be exercised to ensure survival. There is a fine balance in the eco-structure which allows an array of living creatures and plants to survive, including those biblical tribes who survived in the wilderness with God’s help. Yet survival needs to be considered and actively contributed to as we lead our lives and endeavour hopefully to make a positive difference wherever we live.

This well-known prayer attributed to St Francis of Assisi speaks to me of so many ways that we can make a difference and help to transform with care and consideration the harsh realities or extremes of our local deserts and support the wonderful gift of life. In this way we can each help to make the desert bloom and support that element of beauty.

Pippa Leggate

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